Kabellerge School & Learning Center

Creating and Embracing positive changes

Welcome to Bulunga, Tanzania



In this section we would like to keep you updated on the newest events and happenings at the Kabellerge school. Like for example:

  • Donations: Like sports wear, football, toys, etc. 
  • Christmas celebrations: Every year we find it very important to close the school year and wish all leaving kids good luck in their further endeavours by celebrating Christmas with presents, food, drinks and games, since most of the children here (especially in villages like Bulunga) are not familiar with such celebrations and have never receive presents at home.
  • Advances on ongoing projects

Past, Current and Future Projects

You can learn everything about our past, current and future projects by clicking on the link below!

How can you help

Sponsor a child monthly

Make a one time donation

Become a Volunteer on site

Did you know?

School is expensive in Tanzania and there are not many to choose from. Often, the families must pick one child (if they have the ability to pick any) to fully educate. Being a patriarchal society, girls in Tanzania are much less educated than boys.

2 out of 5 girls are married before they turn 18. This inevitably leads to young pregnancies and the necessity to drop out of school.

An estimated 5.1 million children at the age of 7 to 17 do not attend school. Only 52% percent of the children are enrolled in secondary school and even fewer complete it.

On average, a child will have to walk anywhere from 30 minutes to 2 hours in each direction to attend school.

67% of the population (56 million in total) still lacks electricity

4 million people lack access to clean, safe water, and 30 million don't have access to improved sanitation


At Kabellerge School & Learning Center we are determined to provide all of the above for our students!

Help us to develop a passion for learning